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February 24, 2018 [HSA - Hundread Sound Accompany]

Before The After

Event info

Date: February 24, 2018
Location: HSA - Hundread Sound Accompany
Address: Pop Dijkemaweg 31B Groningen

This party showed what can be achieved when people who love what they do start working together. I’m very happy to have found Lesley Moore and Lizzy Lockness who make up this amazing party crew and our debut event was truly da bomb! I have seen so many smiling faces throughout the night that I’m still quite euphoric about how everything went down. Which came in part also due to our amazing LJ’s & VJ’s going by the name Philexx & Serious Hare. Thanks to everyone for coming out and supporting us, without you it would be pointless to do any of this

You can listen here to the recordings of the night –>…/ruhrkraft-before-the-after-gron…/

Until next time ❤️